Tuesday 15 January 2013

Goodbye Slump, Hello Energy

I have been feeling sluggish and tired lately, have been blogging about it a little in the past, so I think it might be a good idea for me to change my diet. Thing is, I've always been a size 32 and I've felt that I could eat whatever I wanted, basically whatever, whenever, well for years that was the case, because I just didn't picked up weight. ;) Lucky me, well those were the days and believe me their long gone...

Well obviously as one turns older there's a few changes, more wrinkles and cellulite and also more knowledge more power and in my case - at the moment, metabolism changes, maybe not much but still. I've developed a little yummy, well it does run in our family, from my mother's side, the women... And I've been experiencing this terrible slumpy feeling for months! All rationalizing apart, I think I've been taking way too long to make a move on my predicament, its really time to take action. Because I'm just not that 20 something I use to be.

It's a well known fact that some food actually decrease energy levels causing one to feel tired, stuff like soda, coffee, candy, fast food and energy drinks. The high level of sugar and caffeine just causes energy to quickly decrease leaving one feel like melted jelly. Instant highs and then that instant low and I'm mad at myself that it's such well known facts, yet I've been a real cookie monster, munching away on cookies and chips like there's no tomorrow. Have really been a monster of a lot of bad things, thinking about it, I've been a icecream monster, wine monster, soda monster ok enough of that...Then there's that other reason people have low energy and that is skipping meals, the main one being breakfast. Yes, something that I'm guilty of as well. Everyday I rush through the door without the healthy nutrients that only a breakfast can bring, not realizing just how horrendously that will effect my mood and energy for the rest of the day. Well I've done my bit of research and this is what I've come up with. How too, drumroll!!!Increase energy with these Super 10!Basically it's eating more fruit and veg, you know the drill and then wholegrains, fish and nuts. Will definitely stock up on these, it's worth the try!

1) Bananas - the energy bomb

2) Mango - in season, yay

3) Yogurt - always yummy to eat

4) Blueberries - the queen of fruit

5) Nuts - great to munch on

6) Strawberries - the 1st princess of fruit

7) Sweet potatoes - love these darlings

8) Salmon - omega 3 galore, pure wholesomeness

9) Whole grains - great for breakfast

10) Oatmeal - old time fave

Picture - www.favim.com

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