Saturday 19 January 2013

Lipgloss Kisses: This Is Me ♥

The sweet Chicara from the lovely blog Lipgloss Kisses took some time to come and visit over here. Yay! I've always been a huge fan of her blog, her graphics always looks amazing, and I just love her cheerful blogging style. ( She does have awesome graphic design skills, don't you think... ) Well, I've asked her a few questions about what makes her tick, beyond the beauty, you know the more serious stuff in life. Hope you enjoy it, here goes! :)
1.What makes you cry?

I'm probably a bit of a cry baby. ;) I'll shed tears when I watch a sad movie, when I'm stressed or when someone does something to upset me I suppose.

2.What's the most difficult thing you went through and how did you overcome that?

Hmmm... That's a difficult question to answer. I wouldn't say I've lived a sheltered life, but I guess I haven't had any massive life-changing moments yet. I suffer from anxiety and severe stress and I guess everyday is difficult in it's own way. Still finding ways to deal with these issues though.

3.Do you have any emotional baggage or personal struggles that you're working on and how do you deal with that?

I think everyone has emotional baggage and personal struggles. We wouldn't be living if we didn't have to constantly deal with issues and conflicts. I do have my fair share and like I mentioned above I'm constantly finding new ways to deal with them. I do find that shopping, reading, playing tv games, surfing the internet, blogging and sometimes even eating (oops!) can help relax me.

4.What song would best describe your personality?

Wow, great question. Do I have a theme song? No, not really. But if I had to think of one that speaks to me the most then it would probably be "Don't Stop Believin" by Journey.

5.Who do you look up to and why?

Loads of people for different reasons. I look up to my parents, my sisters and sometimes even complete strangers for the weirdest things.

6.Name your 5 favourite books?

I love reading and some of my fondest memories are from when I was a lot younger (like 11 or 12) and my mom would us up from school and take us to the public library. We would then normally run for the Nancy Drew section. Ha, ha. My top 5 books are Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien , The Hunger Games (book 1), Lucky by Alice Sebold, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

7.Describe the decor style in your home?

Not sure if my home has a style right now. We are still acquiring pieces and trying to make it a home. But the decor style that I love is contemporary eclectic - loads of colours, textures and eye-popping pieces.

8.Lastly, tell us about your dreams for 2013?

Well, as cliché as it sounds my dream for 2013 is to be successful - to start/finish my current venture. Also to build onto the success of my blog and to become a millionaire so I can finally go see New York. ;) ♥ Thanx Chicara, what mature answers, may you be successful in all your ventures, stay the sweet lady that you are and always have fun! I know you will...

If you're interested to be a guestblogger, contact me here -

Graphic - Chicara's own                                        Visit her super cute blog here - Lipgloss Kisses


Woohoo, thank you for this lovely comment! ;)