Sunday 10 February 2013

Love Letters

Ink on paper looks good, to me anyway and sometimes I can't express myself fully, that is until I write it down. Today's post is all about the letters I've written in the past, some very cringe worthy, some out of love and some just because I had to.

The first letter I ever wrote was to my late grandfather, I was about 6 when I wrote it, in a very clumsy handwriting. It was very difficult for me to come to terms with his sudden tragic death. It was mostly sad scribbles of the love I had for him and about the pain I felt at the time. Just thinking about it makes me teary, so enough said.

The letter to my mom. This is the one letter that I will never regret. In there I asked her forgiveness for all my teenage mistakes, the hormonal tantrums, emotional blackmail and false accusations. Let's just say I was a very emotional teen and I had my reasons. Don't we all?

The letter to my first real boyfriend, I was about 17 and things just didn't work out, so I was trying to explain the situation, more to myself then him. I think I had a pretty envelope laying around, so that's what prompted me to write something. Believe me when I say that I really can't recall a thing on that paper, not saying that it was just a piece of paper, well you know what I mean.

The letter to my second boyfriend. It was beautiful and meant from the heart. It was all about our love for each other and the normal ups and downs. I was about 19, I think... Still have fond memories about the time but I'm glad it ended.

The letter to my Basil. It was his birthday on the 6 th of February and I decided to write him, telling him how special he is to me and how much I appreciate his compassion and love towards me and how I just wanted us to grow together as a couple... Planning to write him another love note on Valentine's Day... ;) Shhhh.

Do you like receiving letters?

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Woohoo, thank you for this lovely comment! ;)